Finding Pine Straw Retailers

Many producers of pine straw deal wholesale, so if you're looking for enough pine straw mulch for groundcover in your garden you could find yourself needing way below the minimum order of the full semi-truckload they'll deliver.
Don't worry if you find yourself in this position though; it's easy to get top quality pine straw bales in just the amount you need by finding your local garden landscape supply retailer. You can find Custom Pine Straw's pine straw at many garden supply and home improvement stores all over the United States.
Before you go shopping you'll need to know how much pine (needle) straw you need. Use our pine straw coverage calculator to save guesswork and find the exact number of pinestraw bales for your job. All you have to do is input the length and width of your yard or gardening area and tell us if you are applying fresh pine straw mulch or covering up an old layer. Then you can head for your local garden center or landscaping supply store confident you know just what's required.
Of course, if your project is pretty big and you need 1300 to 1450 or more bales, then you can simply call Custom Pine Straw and we'll make a pine straw delivery right to your door. Pine straw can be bulky, and our bales are compressed so there's quite a bit of hand raked straw in each to get the job done. When ordering a full truckload make sure to have a dry place to store the pine straw if you're not using it right away. If you're ordering more than one load or repeat loads, often we can drop a dry enclosed trailer at your location for use as storage.
You can find pine straw retailers and pine straw suppliers that sell top quality straw mulch like ours in: garden centers, landscape supply and product stores and retail centers, home improvement stores, landscapers, lawn maintenance, lawn care, other pine straw companies, landscape nurseries, outdoor supply companies and more. See our bulk wholesale pine straw page for more information about pine straw delivery across the United States.
Pine straw is used on: lawns, gardens, in the landscaping and in flower beds of homes, golf courses, resorts, commercial buildings, churches, parks and recreation areas, on highway projects and more.
Pine straw is sold as: mulch, ground cover, as fundraisers for non-profit clubs and churches, and because it's a renewable resource, organic garden mulch, and more.
Pine straw is used to: beautify an area, improve curb appeal, prevent water runoff, inhibit weeds, retain moisture and prevent evaporation (especially useful in drought areas), protect tree and plant roots from frost and excessive heat and cold, prevent erosion, supply nutrients and for other great reasons.
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